Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I hate hurting, really.

Why does it seem to be that when something is really bothering you, or is a long standing issue, the only way to get a point across or stand up for yourself is to hurt someone that you care about? I hate it. It makes me feel like a tiny, shriveled up little raisin. Bleh.


kathryn said...

Maybe it's 'cause it festers for so long...and then when it finally comes out, it's got all this emotion and fire and verbal vomit that goes with it?

Just a guess....

Draea Lael (Rose) said...

Yeah, that's precisely what it feels like, and then I get all moody and sad and emotional afterward and my dear hubby, Sir Geek tries to lighten my mood and I end up rubbing off on him. /pout
It doesn't help that I am PMSing anyway. >.<
I just really, really hate hurting people...especially when its my family. But it was definitly time to deal with some of the things that were bugging me. The worst thing is that A lot of it was my fault since I put off talking to all parties involved as long as possible because I HATE confrontation!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's usually how it goes and it's rough. I hope whatever it is that's going on is ok. Hang in there!

Draea Lael (Rose) said...

I am hangin' in for sure, no choice but to do so. I will be ok, eventually. But I doubt this will be the last of it. Due to the nature of the thing and people involved. Just means in a few weeks/months, I will be a wrung out, emotional dish-rag again.
Thanks for the support!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I'm loving words with friends! I tried to email you back but you don't have comment reply going. Email me and I'll give you my username for it!