OK, I give up on posting the pic right, six attempts and it still sits 90 degrees in the wrong direction, soooo...tilt your head to the left (not too long, it'll stay that way!)
The dimensions for this corset pattern are derived from the effigy corsetof Queen Elizabeth I and Pfaltzgrafin Dorothea Sabine von Neuburg's pair of bodies (ain't that a mouthful?!?) They are the only surviving 16th century corsets to work from. My pattern does not have the straps, mostly because I am out of practice sewing and might tackle that at a later time, but there are pictoral representations that show the same corset shapes with no straps.
The pinkish red lines were my original measurements (read :eye-balled guesses) and if you look really close, you can see my minor adjustment I made to the curve after pinning the toile to my scary dressform. Waiting on the UPS guy to get here with my boning material. Its icky out, and he's late....RAWR. Hope my stuff, er the driver, is safe. o.O
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